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Cooking Your Barra Bronzes Turkey


Farmgate Collection

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Farmgate collection will only be available on the following dates

23rd of December from 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
24th of December from 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

To ensure the highest quality, we have very limited stock.  To guarantee your Turkey, you must pre-order and pre-pay on our website.

Our address is: Lochend of Barra, Inverurie,
Aberdeenshire AB51 0JP. Tel: 01651 871 600

Home Delivery

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Your turkey will be delivered on Tuesday 22nd of December.

Each turkey is trussed, wrapped in greaseproof paper and comes with a sprig of herbs, cooking instructions and a pop-up thermometer.  Each box is double insulated and contains a cooling pack to ensure your Premium Barra Bronze Turkey remains fresh for the big day!

We deliver to the UK only.

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